Halfway Through Fasting
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Halfway Through Fasting

For this year’s 19 day Fast* I am using Zero along with Cronometer and my Coros Pace Watch to keep track of some metrics, specifically sleep, activity, food consumption and ketone levels (along with blood and microbiome). Here is how it has gone, so far:

Avg. Sleep: 6.6 hrs (35% deep/2 min. wake)
Avg. Meditation: 30 min.

Avg. Ketone: 1.4 mmol/L
Avg. Glucose: 4.3 mmol/L
Avg. KGI: 3.07

Avg. Calories: 1542 p/day (62% fat, 16% protein, 22% carbs)
Weight Change: 3lbs.

Active Days: 6 of 10
Bike: 28 mi.
Run: 13 mi. (including a 10K race at the Santa Cruz Half Marathon)
Swim: 1/4 mi.

The Bahá’í Fast is actually time-restricted feeding without food or water while the sun is up.