Ostomy Awareness Day 5k
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Ostomy Awareness Day 5k

October 1st is Ostomy Awareness Day and I am running a virtual 5k to raise money for awareness and research. Please support me or better yet, sign up to run with me!

Support my run: https://runsignup.com/airjoshb

This is a virtual event, so you can run from anywhere on my team! https://runsignup.com/Race/22873/Donate/zDMG4lMlREcppP5x

If you’re in Monterey, come join me on the 5k in person!

Ostomy surgery is a life-saving, and most often, a permanent procedure that diverts waste through the abdominal wall, creating a stoma that requires the person to wear a pouch. As you can imagine, the physical, social, and emotional stress of this kind of change is a strain that is difficult to talk about. Thank you for your support!

#crohns #ibd #ostomy