
The Reviews Are In!

The Reviews Are In!

My book is in the top 200 of the Abdominal Disorders & Diseases category today and is receiving some amazing reviews, including this one from Jane McGonigal (!) “This book can help anyone who wants to fuel their body, boost their resilience and heal with every meal. It’s full of clear, science-based guidance to making healthy, delicious meals that reduce inflammation and help your body heal.”...
After a LOT of hard work (mostly getting out of my own way!), I’m so excited to finally announce that I have a new book coming out, “Crohn’s Disease AIP Cookbook”. • The Crohn’s and AIP connection—Get an overview of the science behind autoimmune symptoms and how the AIP diet is built to combat them. • Amazing food—I dug deep to create amazingly satisfying and delicious AIP-friendly dishes that ...